Assessment of Accounting Software practices in Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of Bangladesh: A Survey of Barrier and Adoption (Dhaka City).


Mohammad Mazibar Rahman , Tousif e Elahi , Sanjit Kumar Gupta , Imanur Rahman ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 76-85 | Views: 404 | Downloads: 115 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3455970

Volume 3 - April 2014 (04)


Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have long been considered as the principle driving force of Bangladesh’s economy. Along with stimulating private ownership and entrepreneurial skills, SMEs are flexible and can adapt quickly to changing market demand and supply. The aim of this study is to show that how the factors of barrier affect practicing of Accounting Software in SMEs of Bangladesh. However, to get an exclusive finding, total 300 firms was randomly selected as a respondent and interviewed to get the specific answers of the specific questionnaire. Finally, the result of this study suggests the proper application and use of Accounting Software ensures strong responsibility and accountability of the business enterprise and it also helps the owner and policy makers of the firm’s to better understanding about their performance and result. With employing accounting software technology, small and medium business enterprises can reduce its operating cost and then increasing its profitability and competitive power. 


Accounting Software (AC), Small Medium enterprises (SMEs), Barrier and Profitability etc.


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