Total Quality Management for Sustainable Development: A Case of the Nigerian Environment
Benedict Amade , UKWUOMA, F.P.O , AKPAN, E. O. P , NWOKO-OMERE, W.C. ,
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The research work attempts to establish a strategic tool for the implementation of Total Quality Management for Sustainable Development in the Nigerian Environment. The study further sought to address the reasons why Total Quality Management implementation would be of immense benefit to environmental sustainability as well as how to sustain an environment that meets today’s needs without compromising the needs of the future generation. In achieving the objectives, a survey comprising a sample of 122 respondents using structured questionnaires was conducted using the Federal Environmental Protection Agency in Nigeria as case study. The questionnaire sought the respondent’s views on the implementation of Total Quality Management for Sustainable Development. The data for the study were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools like frequency, pie chart and bar chart. Furthermore, the findings of the research revealed that the Federal Environmental Protection Agency has been in operation all this while but lacks the plan to implement Total Quality Management and quality related policies for purposes of achieving Sustainable Development. Finally, the research articulated the efforts of the Federal Environmental Protection Agency in striving to achieve a sustainable environment; hence the study concluded that the Deming’s Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) and Define Measure Analyse Improve Control (DMAIC) Six-Sigma should be inculcated in their strategic plans for purposes of achieving sustainable development
Quality Management (QM), Total Quality Management (TQM), Quality Control (QC), Quality Assurance (QA), Inspection, Development Processes, Sustainable Development (SD)
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