Ship Routing Optimization among Brics Countries: A Literature Review


Pravendra Tyagi , Prof G.Agarwal ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 18-23 | Views: 362 | Downloads: 107 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3455996

Volume 3 - May 2014 (05)


Moving towards the vision of BRICS summit, it becomes mandatory to have prompt connectivity among this coined term, with initial effort to focus the contribution of researchers, towards immense area, logistics management and ship routing optimization among BRICS countries. This paper is an exploration of the issues and mitigations given by contributors in different relating areas, which are lacking in focus on trading enhancement through ship routing optimization between ports of BRICS countries, my efforts will be to overcome this limp by presenting a approach for effective ship routing with managed loading and unloading inventory at ports, according to planned sequence as well as distributing the goods to the desired destination with least operation cost between initial pick point to final drop point. Supply chain management encompasses the routing and scheduling of inventory maneuver to desired allocation in an economic mode for satisfying all end-users by prompt connectivity and communication between the links of supply chain.


Supply chain integration, BRICS, fragmented, logistics, constraints


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