Cartographic Approach To Regression Of Forest Ecosystems In The Area Of Guerbes (Algeria)
Malika Rached-Kanouni , Azzedine Hadef , Nourreddine Mouhli , Djamel Alatou ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 43-50 | Views: 376 | Downloads: 105 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456501
This work is a diachronic study of the changing landscape occupying the land of the plain of Guerbes, which is localized in Skikda (north-east-Algerian) and covers an area of 26 260 ha. This landscape is characterized by a biodiversity that suffers from several ecological factors; the most important are the anthropogenic. The Geographic Information System (GIS) technology such as MapInfo represents the best method to solve the main problems in the vulnerability survey by using the different information on aerial photographs of the years 1972 and 2003. The results provide more information on the evolution and dynamic landscape on the plain of Guerbes. It becomes more artificial than natural, given the increase in area of crops which is estimated at 50% between 1972 and 2003. The impact of this increase on the loss of natural landscape area is currently very remarkable at different sites. The objective of this work is to develop scientifically and technically a project management in the study area which is part of an integrated development plan and sustainable development through land use maps of the region that are essential tools for this project.
Vegetation, conversion, degradation, aerial photos, GIS
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