Impact of Trust Climate on Employees’ Performance in the Private Sector Hospitals of Pakistan: A case of District Abbottabad


Waqar Ahmad , Dr. Muhammad Yasir , Majid Khan , Muhammad Arshad ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 36-42 | Views: 388 | Downloads: 152 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456018

Volume 3 - May 2014 (05)


Organizations continuously endeavor to improve trust climate because it is beneficial for improved employees and organization’s productivity as well as effective implementation of strategic plans. In this study we investigate that trust climate gives a conducive environment to develop employees’ performance and also develop organizational efficiency and effectiveness. In this study we analyzed that trust climate has an impact on the employees’ performance. The population of this study was private sector hospitals of Hazara Division from which a sample of 26 hospitals was chosen. Data was collected from 197 employees of the private sector hospitals of the Hazara Division using self-administered questionnaires, whereas data from 60 patients and 20 hospitals owners and administrative officers was collected using open ended questions. To evaluate the concepts data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, correlation and regression tests. Hypothesis results indicate a positive relationship between independent variable and dependent variable. Lastly, Research limitation, recommendations for the future research and hospitals’ practitioners and conclusion were discussed in detaila


Trust Climate, Employees performance and Private sector hospitalsa


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