Bulk Procurement System And Retail Price Cap On Downstream Subsector In Tanzania: Challenges, Success And Sustainability


Issa, Zubeir Saleh ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 51-62 | Views: 330 | Downloads: 109 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456541

Volume 3 - May 2014 (05)


In Tanzania, the downstream petroleum sub-sector is regulated by the Energy and Water Utilities Regulatory Authority (EWURA). EWURA established in 2006 by EWURA Act Cap 414 and mandated to oversee the efficiency of the supply system, the quality and safety in the supply chain, and it is also responsible for technical and economic regulation. In a bid to solve the problem that emanating from the implementation of liberalization policy in downstream petroleum sub-sector EWURA implement a number of policy reforms including among others the price cap of 2009 and the Bulk procurement system of 2012. The reforms which EWURA embarked on had raised the controversial arguments between EWURA, TAOMC and commentators about operating efficiency and sustainability of the reforms. The study seeks to explain the key factors that lead to the reforms, how various players act and reacted to the reform, to evaluate the operation of these reforms in order to ascertain the challenges, success and sustainability. The result found based on the analysis of both primary and secondary data. The study conclude that


Bulk procurement, Price Cap, Liberalization of downstream petroleum sub-sector, EWURA, Tanzania


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