Power Distance as Moderator of the Relationship Between Organizational Leadership Style and Employee Work Attitudes: An Empirical Study In Ghana
John Dotse, , Maxwell Asumeng, PhD ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 63-76 | Views: 325 | Downloads: 95 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456609
Using cross-sectional and correlational design, the study investigated the relationship between perceived organizational leadership styles; democratic, autocratic and laissez-fare and work attitudes: organizational commitment, turnover intentions and perception of job insecurity with the moderating role of cultural factor of power distance. The sample comprised 238 employees selected from 8 organizations in Accra-Tema metropolis in Ghana. Results indicated that perceived organizational leadership styles relate positively with employee work attitudes with cultural factor of power distance moderating the relationship. It was concluded that to enhance positive employee attitudes, the prevailing cultural factor of power distance in the society within which the organization is established might be considered in the exercise of leadership style.
leadership style, organizational commitment, turnover intention, job insecurity, Ghana.
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