The Effects of Service Quality Perceptions of Turkish Cruise Tourists on Their Behavioral Intentions and Satisfaction
f.Dr.Erdal ARLI , Asst.Prof.Dr.Gökçe Çiçek Ceyhun ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 77-88 | Views: 416 | Downloads: 136 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456649
The main aim of this study was to find out the effects of the service quality perceptions of Turkish cruise tourists on their general levels of behavioral intentions and satisfaction. For this goal, a questionnaire was used to collect data from cruise ship tourists in this paper. The questionnaires were implemented on 206 Turkish cruise tourists. Results showed that the perceived components of service quality have remarkable effect on behavioral intentions and general satisfaction levels of tourists.
behavioral intentions, service quality, Turkish cruise tourists, satisfaction
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