The Impacts of Voluntary Information Disclosure on the Fluctuation of Stock Market: Evidence from Vietnam.


Ta Quang Binh ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 96-115 | Views: 370 | Downloads: 110 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456701

Volume 8 - May 2019 (05)


The study, through the practical data of the factors that influencing the level of information disclosure as well as the impact of this disclosure level on the business operations of listed companies confirms that, by increasing the voluntary disclosure of information, enterprises can reduce cost of capital, increase the market price of the firm value, gain trust, foster absolute peace of mind of a transparent investment environment and create a fair playing field for both domestic and foreign investors. With the above sound foundation, listed firms can enhance enterprise’s business scale for their own as well as the overall capital markets and this helps promote the economic development of Vietnam.a 


Annual reports, influential factors, market-to-book value, price volatility, stock market, Vietnam, voluntary disclosure, weighted average cost of capital (WACC). 


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