Workplace Spirituality: Meaning and Importance In Selected Information Technology Organizations


Prince Jason , Dr. S. Sudha ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 13-19 | Views: 382 | Downloads: 111 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456746

Volume 3 - June 2014 (06)


- Spirituality has become the buzzword in today’s organisations. It has a positive role to play in the organisations while respecting diverse issues. The organisations are emphasizing to foster spirituality in the workplace and it is becoming the fastest growing segment of the corporate culture. This study aims to find the importance of workplace spirituality in selected Information Technology (IT) organisations by finding out the perception of employees regarding workplace spirituality. It also finds the factors that have meaning for the employees in their job. This study is an aid to analyze the level of spirituality of the employees. It was done by distributing a structured questionnaire to the employees in selected IT organisations and by recording their responses. It was found that according to majority of the respondents, workplace spirituality means awareness of self and others. There were several factors that have meaning for the employees in their job and the most important factor considered by the employees was service to the community. It was also found that spirituality has been one of the coping factors in the organisation. 


Level of Spirituality, Meaning in job, Values, Workplace Spirituality


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