The Use of Performance Measurement Information in the Tanzanian Public Sector: The Case of National Housing Corporation.
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This paper examines the use of performance measurement information in the Tanzanian public sector by focusing on one public organization; the National Housing Corporation (NHC). In most countries, public organizations are now engaged in producing performance measurement information and our aim in this paper was to understand how performance information is used, for what purpose and by whom. Addressing these questions is important if we want to understand the implications of the introduction of performance management system in public organizations. Our main findings indicate that public organizations are still struggling to implement performance measurement system and that performance measurement information are somehow being used by many important actors, including and the NHC itself. The information is used for various reasons including for the purpose of improving the agency’s internal operation. In the context of this study, we can therefore say that performance measurement will continue to be part and parcel of most public organizations’ management.
Public sector reforms, performance management, performance measurement in Tanzania
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