Diagnostic of Atlascedarin the forest of Djebel El Ouahch (north-eastern Algeria)
Malika Rached-Kanouni , A. Hadef , A. Boukhelifa , R. Megoura , D. Alatou ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 11-19 | Views: 398 | Downloads: 105 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456843
Results from Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica Manetti) located in the forest of Djebel El Ouahch (north-eastern Algeria) are presented. Dieback and dendrometric parameters (height, diameter, circumference and basal area) are analysed in four stations (S1, S2, S3: Biological Reserve and S4: Kef Lekhel). There are significant differences between stations on survival and the dendrometric parameters. The Atlas cedar of Kef Lekhel is chosen as having the best performances for future afforestation programmes.
Atlas cedar, decline, dendrometric parameters, Djebel El Ouahch
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