The Relationship between Customer Relationship Management and Customer Satisfaction with the Expected Value of the Consumer Audio and Video Products Samsung in Kerman.


Abbas babaeinejad , Soheilashamsadini ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 31-47 | Views: 382 | Downloads: 108 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456857

Volume 3 - July 2014 (07)


At present, the real mission of the organization, understanding the needs and demands of the customers and provide solutions that will be in customer satisfaction. Naturally, the need to establish a strategy to manage these relationships well be felt. Therefore, one of the factors considered by managers, customer relationship management. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between customer relationship management and customer satisfaction is the expected value of the consumer audio and video products Samsung in Kerman. 


Customer, Customer Relationship, customer satisfaction, the expected value of customer, Samsung


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