The Impact of Strategic Planning For Training and Educational Non-Government Organizations In Sri Lanka: An Evaluation Using The Balanced Scorecard


Weerasooriya.W.M.R.B. , Prof.Dr. Ali Khatibi , Dr.Alwis.A.C.De ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 48-62 | Views: 376 | Downloads: 102 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3456863

Volume 3 - July 2014 (07)


This purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of strategic planning, based on the balanced scorecard concept, to emphatically investigate the training and educational non-government organizations in Sri Lanka. This study aims at performance effectiveness made using the multiple perspectives of the balanced scorecard (Robert S. Kaplan & David P. Norton, 1992 a). A fifth dimension was added to the balanced scorecard, developed originally by Niven (2008), which is volunteers’ development. Fifty executives were selected from the Sri Lankan training and educational non-government organizations for this study. Results however, did not show that most of the Sri Lankan non governments are fully aware of the BSC as a tool for assessing their performance effectiveness. A statistically significant difference was found in four out of five domains embraced by the BSC performance effectiveness scale and four out of seven hypotheses were supported to the performance effectiveness model. The NGO’s sector in Sri Lanka is highly fragmented and lacks the formal means necessary for effective performance reporting. 


Balanced Scorecard, Training and Educational Non-Government Organizations, Strategic Planning, Performance Effectiveness 


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