Studying The Relationship Between Organizational Justice And Level Of Employees Organizational Obligation In State Organization Of Rafsanjan.
Abbas babaeinejad , soheila shamsadini ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 94-103 | Views: 358 | Downloads: 106 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3457651
Human, always have had a goal of executing and enforcing justice in society. Therefore, we need organizational justice in order to reach social justice. Organizational justice is a key factor in all aspects of organizational behaviors such as, job promotion, job responsibilities and reward system. Organizational justice and its different domains are the main determinant factors of behaviors such as organizational obligation and etc. The main goal of this research is to study the relationship between organizational justice and level of employees organizational obligation in state organizations of Rafsanjan. This study has been done based on correlation method. 361 persons have been chosen randomly, among 1915 employees of state organizations of Rafsanjan. Two kinds of standard and revised questionnaires have been used for data gathering. Statistical data analysis has been done based on Pearson and Spearman methods by use of Spss program. Results show that, there is a significant relationship between organizational justice and level of employees organizational obligation in state organizations of Rafsanjan. Therefore, based on the results of this research, it is necessary for a manager to enforce organizational justice in order to increase level of employees obligation in an organization. Also, It is necessary to have a welldefined definition of justice which can offers some practical approaches for enforcement of distributed justice, procedural justice and communicated justice.
organizational justice, organizational obligation, distributed justice, procedural justice, communicated justice.
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