The Elements of Consumer Attitude toward Service Innovation – An Analysis Of 3G And 4G Technology in Pakistan


Sundas Fida , Mirza Ashfaq Ahmed , Rabia Nazar , Zara Khan , Zahra Zahid ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 29-41 | Views: 372 | Downloads: 115 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3457663

Volume 3 - August 2014 (08)


Main purpose of this paper is to examine the consumer attitude toward service innovation. How consumer response differently when any new service launches in a country. The study used a model with six hypotheses. The 3G and 4G technology launched by Pakistani government is selected as service innovation to test the model. A structured Questionnaire is developed to collect data. The structural equation modeling is used to test the hypothesis. The result shows that perceived ease of use, perceived price fairness, fashion consciousness is positively relates to the customer attitude toward service innovation. Moreover risk aversion and satisfaction with existing services is negatively related to consumer attitude toward service innovation. The practical implication is that before introducing any new service the service provider must think from the perspective of consumers. The relationship discovered in this study required further research on this topic. The data collected from multiple geographical boundaries will generate better results. The research focusing on service innovation is relatively rare. And the factor which influences the customer attitude toward service innovation is different from product innovation. 


 service innovation, consumer attitude, consumer intension.


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