Paper on job satisfaction of ICICI Employees Job Satisfaction of Private Sector Bank Employees (A study of Udaipur and Rajsamand Districts ICICI Bank)
Sangeeta malpani , Dr. M.G. Varshney ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 42-51 | Views: 362 | Downloads: 115 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3457665
Job is the basic need of human beings without job we can’t survive in this world. We do work for earning money and money is the means of fulfill our needs. Every one want to be achieve higher level of Job satisfaction from their work. Job satisfaction is a psychological concept we can feel it and not explain it. There are a lot of variable which affect our job satisfaction level these factors are related with individual, job, work environment and a lot of other variables. Satisfied employees are the power full sources of any economy activity. Job satisfaction improves the work efficiency of employees. Job satisfaction is beneficial both employees and employer. This paper is related the job satisfaction level of private sector bank employees. Private sector banks also play a vital role in present senariya. The main purpose of the study is to explain the levels of job satisfaction among employees of private sector bank and the factors affecting to job satisfaction.
employee, factor, psychological, satisfaction, variables
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