Importance of Change and Leadership in the 21th Century.


Mesud Ünal ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 17-22 | Views: 366 | Downloads: 110 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3457677

Volume 3 - September 2014 (09)


Change in the 21st century is a concept that dominates our era. The change faced by today’s leaders is greater and wider than ever. Globalization, rapidly evolving technology, changes in the structure of society and the increasing expectations also has affected management styles. In other words, elimination of time and space differences have made it mandatory for the organizations to reorganize their structures. Today, leadership has become more complex than a simple leader-follower relationship in the environment which competition has become a part of the life, employee morale and satisfaction contributes to organization's efficiency and effectiveness and benefitting from the knowledge, skills and abilities has become the precious resource. Leaders in the information age are feaced with complex and comprehensive demands. Until today, leaders had the power to shape the organizations according to their personal values, attitudes and their styles. The incremental developments in technology, increase of the awareness about people’s key role for organizational effectiveness and the understanding the role of organizations in terms of social and economic parameters have led to transformations in leadership.


 21th Century, Information Age, Change, Leader, Leadership


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