Diagnostic of Draa Naga arboretum on the forest of Djebel El Ouahch (north-eastern Algeria).
Malika Rached-Kanouni , A. Hadef , D. Alatou , I. Matallah , A.E.M. Amine Khoja , K. Saighi ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 35-41 | Views: 423 | Downloads: 114 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3457685
Volume 3 - September 2014 (09)
This study concerns particularly Draa Naga arboretum, created inside the forest station of Djbel El Ouahch (Constantine, east-Algeria) in the fifties. It is occupies an area of 31 hectares and is actually managed by the Forest Conservation, it is a valuable tool for education and ecotourism. Until know, no system of measurement or supervision of its viability was created so that the ecological status is unknown at all. Analyses results show a mid viability of the arboretum which is indicated by a medium stability of forests stand’s quality, a high rate of mortality and a very low future potentiality (0% of regeneration). In addition to that, artificial forest suffers from invasion of autochthones species, the principal pressure affecting the arboretum which is placed among forest. Consideration of two dendrologous types of forest’s stand reveals that broadleaved trees ones presents better attribute than conifers. The necessity of a management plan is evident to ameliorate the place and so is a regular survey. For that, a forest management plan is proposed for the arboretum
Draa Naga Arboretum, current status, viability, GIS.
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