The Effects of Brand Experience, Satisfaction and Trust on Brand Loyalty; an Empirical Research on the Internet Services of Cellular Companies in Pakistan.


Abdur Rehman , Mirza Ashfaq Ahmed , Faisal Mahmood , Muhammad Shahid ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 90-100 | Views: 376 | Downloads: 103 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3457701

Volume 3 - September 2014 (09)


Recently, brands have become more important for creating the value for their customers. Building consumer-brand relationship is very important for building a strong brand. The main aim of the study is to check the impact of brand experience in building long-term consumer-brand relationship with brand satisfaction, brand trust and brand loyalty. Telecommunication industry of Pakistan was selected for this research. Data was collected through questionnaires from the random sample of 307 respondents (students) which was drawn from the population of University of Gujrat. The results of this study shows that the brand experience, brand satisfaction, and brand trust have significant and positive effect on brand loyalty. 


Brand Experience, Brand Satisfaction, Brand Trust, Brand Loyalty, Cellular Companies, Telecommunication Industry, Pakistan 


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