Investigating the Effects of Customer’s Perception about the Quality on Customers’ Brand Loyalty in Footwear Industry of Pakistan (The case of Bata and Servis shoes).


Umar Siddique ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 67-74 | Views: 385 | Downloads: 116 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3457737

Volume 3 - October 2014 (10)


This research study investigates the customers’ perception about the quality and customers’ brand loyalty through different routes by considering customers’ satisfaction and customers’ trust. For this purpose questionnaire was distributed to one hundred and fifty customers in three cities of Pakistan including male and female. Regression, Descriptive tests of means and ANOVA were used as the most appropriate statistical techniques to analyze the relationship between the variables customers’ perception about the quality and customers’ brand loyalty. The results of this study supported all the hypotheses


: Customers’ perception about the quality, customer’s satisfaction, customers’ trust and customers’ brand loyalty


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