Relationship of Workplace Spirituality with Positive Job Attitude (Job Satisfaction, Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment): A study of Public Sector University


Ayesha , Saira Ashraf , Atiya Simsab , Yasir Aftab Farooqi ,

Download Full PDF Pages: 96-111 | Views: 322 | Downloads: 87 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3457761

Volume 3 - October 2014 (10)


In a knowledge economy, people are facing increased competition hence developing more greed due to lack of love and kindness. Most of the organization now set their spiritual standards to ensure more love and kindness towards one’s role and colleagues. Organizations and people should ensure workplace spirituality. This study is conducted to explore and determine the relationship between workplace spirituality, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job involvement. Our target population was employees (lecturer level) of public sector Universities of Punjab. A sample of 150 employees was selected by systematic sampling in which 101 were responded at rate of 67 %. A research questionnaire was developed for data collection and data analysis was based on descriptive and inferential statistics. As from previous studies and on basis of our hypothesis testing and data collection, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between workplace spirituality, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job involvement. 


workplace spirituality, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job involvement, lecturer, public sector Universities.


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