A Study on Job Satisfaction, Motivation and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Khadija Mushtaq , Mirza Ashfaq Ahmed , Sami Ullah Warraich ,
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Banking in Pakistan is a tough and hectic job now a day due to a number of reasons. Therefore, it may have become difficult for managers to retain bank employees and create job satisfaction as well as motivation between them thus enabling them to perform extra-role behaviors. In this regard, a conceptual model was developed using existing literature with an aim to study the associations among motivation, job satisfaction and the five factors of OCB through a cross sectional study by using deductive research approach. Stratified Multistage Cluster Sampling was used to collect data from 236 bank employees of District Gujrat, Pakistan through questionnaire survey. The aforesaid data was analyzed using Structure Equation Modelling (SEM). Initially, results of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) established all the factors of the conceptual model for SEM except Sportsmanship. Afterwards, SEM was applied to test the conceptual model (excluding sportsmanship). The results indicated that motivation had a positive significant relationship not only with Job Satisfaction but also with all confirmed factors of OCB except courtesy. Similarly, job satisfaction had a positive significant relationship with all confirmed factors of OCB except civic virtue. The results of this study may be carefully generalized to the banking sector keeping all other factors constant, e.g. culture. Additionally, it was observed that there is a lot more to be explored about OCB therefore the present study provides new directions for the future researchers for including more independent variables (i.e. Job Attitudes, leadership styles, Intrinsic & Extrinsic Motivation etc.) on different types of populations
Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Banking Sector
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