Studying the Relationship between Attitudes with the Consumers’ Purchase Intention of Retail Brands Based On Loyalty/Trust, Pessimism, and the Perceived Benefits.
Mohsen Ghods , Kambiz Abdi , Hasan darvishpor , Aslan Amat Senin ,
Download Full PDF Pages: 41-51 | Views: 376 | Downloads: 105 | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3457792
Labeling (nomination) the brands as the private ownership has been changed into an important issue for the experts of marketing and the empirical researches in this field are increasing. The present paper which its purpose is to study the relationship of attitudes with the consumers’ purchase intention of retail brands based on loyalty/trust, pessimism, and the perceived benefits is the results of a field study. In this paper, we have been tried to present and test a model in the domain of retail brands. For accomplishing the considered purposes, a questionnaire contains of 34 questions has been distributed among 360 consumers of Etka Shops in Arak Province (based on a sampling method) and 341 questionnaires have been collected and the Liserel Software has been used for testing and analyzing this model.
Attitude, Retail Brands, Pessimism, Perceived Benefit, Purchase Intention
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