Mubashar Mumtaz Virk Publications

Corporate Social Responsibility, Media Sentiment and Profit Quality: Evidence from the Chinese Listed Companies

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4964764

Author(s): Hui Li , Wei Gao ,

Pages: 41-50 Views: 686 Downloads: 208

Business Process Improvement Practices: Does Human Resource Management really changed by implementing BPI principles in multi-national organization

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3468904

Author(s): Nida Fatima ,

Pages: 60-72 Views: 347 Downloads: 107

Influence of website quality on Customer satisfaction. Evidence from Textile industry of Hyderabad

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4933449

Author(s): Dr. Sumra Shaikh , Sumash Siddiqui , Ramsha Mubeen Memon , Dr. Maria Shaikh , Eng. Haseeb Haleem Shaikh , Eng. Sumair Haleem Shaikh ,

Pages: 73-84 Views: 733 Downloads: 208

Enhancing Leadership and Job Performance in Higher Public Education in Tanzania

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4964856

Author(s): Dr. Hellena Mohamed Mushi , M/s Joshua Mjema (MSc) , M/s Annie Maeda (MSc) , M/s Nice Kahembe (Bsc) , M/s Aidan Msuha (MSc) ,

Pages: 103-112 Views: 702 Downloads: 190

Public Procurement Reform In Developing Countries: A Critique Of The Real Estate Context In The Nigerian Case

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3386704

Author(s): A. C. Ogbonna , I. U. Kalu ,

Pages: 65-77 Views: 319 Downloads: 104

Role of Knowledge Management in Organizational Culture in Pakistan

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3473831

Author(s): Prof. Danting Hu , Mubashar Mumtaz Virk , Muhammad Mubashar Nasim ,

Pages: 76-80 Views: 1100 Downloads: 343