Qasim Saleem Publications

The Role of Individual Actors and Banks in Human Capital Development: Evidence from the Banking Network of Ghana

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4922268

Author(s): Alex Boadi Dankyi , Dankyi Aframea Lydia , Dankyi Kwakyewaa Joyce , Olivier Joseph Abban , Antoinette Asabea Addo , Kong Yusheng ,

Pages: 20-42 Views: 765 Downloads: 235

An assessment of the impact of organization design on the development of learning organizations in Zimbabwe’s retail industry.A case study of Bindura’s major retail shops.

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3408101

Author(s): Chazuza Tendai , Tembo Jealous , Negwaiya Edward , Mapira Nyasha ,

Pages: 23-31 Views: 416 Downloads: 115

“Leverage” – An Analysis and its Impact on Profitability with Reference to Selected Oil and Gas Companies of Pakistan

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3402046

Author(s): Qasim Saleem , Dr. Ramiz Ur Rahman , Dr Naheed Sultana , Mr. Muhammad Akram Naseem ,

Pages: 70-80 Views: 355 Downloads: 119

Digital Marketing Sustainability

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6910821

Author(s): Dr. Masood Hassan , Beenish Kazmi , Humayun Soomro ,

Pages: 124-134 Views: 302 Downloads: 76