Notarangelo Mauro Publications

FDI Attraction Policies in Middle East

Abstract References

Author(s): Immanuel Giovanni Cicala , Vincenzo Palumbo ,

Pages: 01-08 Views: 13 Downloads: 5

Evaluation And Analysis Of Citizens’ Satisfaction With The Quality Of Life And Its Impact On Urban Development (Case Study: The City Of Khash).

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3459085

Author(s): Gholam Reza Miri , Morteza Esmael Nezhad , Shoaib Kahrazeh ,

Pages: 09-14 Views: 371 Downloads: 115

Multidisciplinarity in the Treatment Process: An Essential Element in Clinical Governance

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3491482

Author(s): Valerio Brescia , Indelicato Alessandra , Chmet Federico , Maglio Pietro , Muraca Lucia , Mazzei Aurelio , Guzzo Maria Laura , Cardona Rosario , Bisogni Katiuscia , Notarangelo Mauro , De Fina Mariarosanna ,

Pages: 47-62 Views: 1288 Downloads: 340