Jiang Hong Li Publications

The impact of renewable energy, economic growth and FDI on carbon emissions: An evidence of 15 African countries using panel cointegration regression models

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3496831

Author(s): Prince Asare Vitenu-Sackey , Jiang Hong Li ,

Pages: 14-22 Views: 934 Downloads: 295

Strategic Plan, Human Resources Competencies, and Corporate Governance in Formulating Competitive Strategy and the Implication on Performance.

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3463053

Author(s): harry zks , Sucherly , Nury Effendi , Imas Soemaryani ,

Pages: 29-43 Views: 357 Downloads: 96

Marketing Strategy Performance for Decision Making In Choosing the Head of Regional Community (A Survey on the Election of Governor of North Sumatera Province, Indonesia)

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3463857

Author(s): Indra Jaya , Sucherly , Dwi Kartini- , Erie Febrian ,

Pages: 111-124 Views: 374 Downloads: 98

The Effect Of Business Environment And Company Resources On Company Reputation And The Implication To The Performance Of Ferry Companies In Indonesia.

Abstract References DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3466399

Author(s): M. Basuki Wibowo , Sucherly , Umi Kaltum , Ernie Tisnawati Sule ,

Pages: 156-167 Views: 360 Downloads: 106