Volume 5 Issue 10

“VOLUME 5, ISSUE 10″  Under QS Publications – Oct-2016

[1]-Impact of FDI on Organizational Development in Madagascar.
Author Details:Domoinalalaina Andonirina Felana, Andrianiony-PhD of Enterprise Management, Business Administration Department Zhongnan University of Economics and Law Wuhan, China
The spectacular growth of FDI flow over the world has consistently become an attractive subject. FDI is considered an important element to fill the gap in job creation and promotion, and knowledge transfer to the host country. Recently however, policies and accompanying incentives to attract FDI have become questionable. This paper has considerably reviewed available literature on FDI and juxtaposed how organizations in Madagascar can benefit from FDI inflow. This research is considered descriptive in nature and made use of secondary. The interdependencies between FDI and OD were econometrically analyzed in using data on Madagascar within the period 1980 to 2015 (inclusive), Data was mainly assessed from INSTAT and Madagascar Central Bank, while other parts were collected from the website of the World Bank and other research papers and magazines. OLS was used in analyzing the data collected and the findings show strong relationship between FDI and OD, but the interdependency between the two variables are marginally significant.
FDI, OD, Economic growth, OLS
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[2]-Privacy Protection Legislative Scenario in Select Countries: An Exploratory Study.
Author Details: Dr. Madan Lal Bhasin-Professor, School of Accountancy, College of Business Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Kedah, Malaysia
The right of privacy is well established in international law. In fact, consumer privacy has attracted the widespread attention of regulators across the globe. Of course, privacy laws vary throughout the globe but, unfortunately, it has turned out to be the subject of legal contention between the European Union (EU) and the United States (US). Protection of personal data privacy under the law has been shaped by the interests of multiple constituencies: individuals, commercial organizations, government agencies, law enforcement, and national security services. For corporations that collect and use personal information, now ignoring privacy legislative and regulatory warning signs can prove to be a costly mistake. One of the greatest challenges faced by privacy and data protection professionals is demonstrating that their organizations have complied with the requirements of the various laws governing the handling of personal data. The freshly revised BS10012 can help organizations to meet their privacy management obligations. This is an exploratory, descriptive and qualitative study using secondary sources of data. Here, an attempt has been made to briefly acquaint the readers’ with the privacy laws prevalent in select countries. It is expected that a growing number of countries will adopt privacy laws to foster e-commerce. Undoubtedly, accountability for privacy and personal data protection needs to be a joint-effort among governments, privacy commissioners, organizations and individuals themselves. Legislators all over the world have taken notice and tried to minimize invasion of privacy but without much success.
Privacy protection, e-business, trust seals, government regulations, select countries.
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[3]-Fraudulent Reporting Practices: The Inside Story of India’s Enron
Author Details: Dr. Madan Lal Bhasin-Professor, School of Accountancy, College of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia
Fraudulent reporting practices can have significant consequences for organizations and all stakeholders, as well as, for public confidence in the capital and security markets. In fact, comprehensive, accurate and reliable financial reporting is the bedrock upon which our markets are based. Keen to project a rosy picture of the Satyam to investors, employees and analysts, Mr. Raju (CEO and Chairman) fudged the account books so that it appeared to be a far bigger enterprise, with high profits and fast growth rate, than it actually was. The Satyam fraud, India’s Enron, has shattered the dreams of different categories of investors, shocked the government and regulators alike, and led to questioning of the accounting practices of statutory auditors and corporate governance norms in India. This is an exploratory and qualitative study based on secondary sources of information. An attempt has been made to provide an explanation for various intriguing questions about Satyam scam. After thorough investigations by the CBI and SEBI, they have unveiled the methodology by which Satyam fraud was engineered. Finally, we recommend “Fraudulent reporting practices should be considered as a serious crime, and accounting bodies, courts and other regulatory authorities in India need to adopt very strict punitive measures to stop such unethical practices.”
Fraudulent practices, financial reporting, inside story, India’s Enron, Satyam computer, modus-operandi, financial statements, corporate governance, auditors, forensic accounting, corporate culture and ethics, SEBI, SFIO, CID, India.
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[4]-Theoretical Frame Work and New Definitional Contribution to the Existence Literature to Underground Economy.
Author’s Details: (1)*Shahan Mehmood Cheema PHD Scholar Superior University Lahore, Pakistan (2)Chaudhry Abdul Rehman-Professor Business School, Superior University Lahore, Pakistan (3)Ali Hasan PHD Scholar Superior University Lahore, Pakistan (4)Usman Khadam Malik-PhD Scholar, Superior University Lahore, Pakistan (5)Talha Mujahid Butt-PhD Scholar, Superior University Lahore, Pakistan

The article covers theoretical problems of shadow economy study. The author proposes an economy structure in the aspect of shadow activity, and presents the theoretical definition of the shadow economy.

Keywords-shadow economy, economy structure, theoretical, Latent Economic Function
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[5]-Strategic Role of Dashboard Application in Enhancing Crisis Management Capabilities in Organizations Field study on Jordanian cellular companies.
Author’s Details:  (1)Dr. Hani Jazza’ Irtaimeh-Associate Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Business & Finance World Islamic for Science &  Education University-(2)Dr. Abdullah Mish’al ObaidatAssistant Professor, Department of Management Information Systems, Faculty of Economics and Business Jadara University-(3)Dr. Amineh AbdulHaleem Khaddam-Assistant Professor, Department of Management Information Systems, Faculty of Business Administration Amman Arab University
This study aims to investigate the impact of Dashboard to detect necessary early warning signals and readiness in Jordanian communications companies. The study’s population consists of all managers and users of Dashboard in two Jordanian cellular operators: Orange and Umnieh, totaling (84) employees. The study employed comprehensive survey on all members of the researched topic, and found that there is a significant effect of Dashboard on the detection of necessary early warning signals and preparing for them    
: Dashboard, Crisis Management, Early Warning Signals, Readiness, Prevention, Preparation, communication Companies, Jordan
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[6]-Assessing the Operational Relationships within the Supply Chain Management: Case Study at Koforidua Central Hospital, Eastern Region.
Author’s Details:(1)Angela Opare Kumea (2)Ofori Samuel (3)Portia Donkor (4)Thomas Akrofi*
(1)(2)(4)Koforidua Polytechnic, Faculty of Business and Management Studies, Department of Purchasing and Supply (3)University for Development Studies, Faculty of Planningand Land Management, Department of Real Estate and Land Management. *Corresponding Authors Address: Thomas Akrofi
Koforidua Polytechnic Faculty of Business and Management Studies Department of Purchasing and Supply

The modern approach to purchasing is to create a common objective that enables a climate of mutual cooperation and assistance in which both parties win. This study was to assess the operational relationships within the supply chain management in the health sector. A sample size of 40 was chosen and it consists of personnel from the finance, stores, procurement, quality control and administration of Koforidua Central Hospital. Questionnaire and interview were employed in the data collection. The study revealed that the type of buyer supplier relationship that exists in Koforidua Central Hospital is that of a collaborative relationship but supply chain activities of the various facilities does not integrate. It was also evident that the organization experiences stock redundancy and the reason behind the stock redundancy is lack of data on consumption. It is therefore recommended that, the organization should integrate the entire internal department and should also involve suppliers at the early stage of planning, designing so that the right specification can be obtained. With this the management can use two stage tendering as it procurement method.  Spot check should be used in stock taking to identify the loopholes in stock and also use stock monitoring systems to help curb stock redundancy in the organization.
Keywords: Operational; Relationships; Supply Chain Management; Koforidua Central Hospital; Ghana.
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[7]-The Factors Affecting the Credit Risk in the Iranian Banks: The Case Study of Mellat Banks.
Author Details: Dr. Mohammad Hassan Haddadi-Associated Professor, Department of Commercial Management – Finance,Islamic Azad University, Jolfa International Branch, Aras Free zone, Jolfa, East Azerbaijan, I.R. of Iran.

This study aimed to identify the factors affecting credit risk of Iranian banks, with special reference to customers of Mellat bank at Gholston province of Iran. By applying “DEMATEL” technique, we could select only 186 document out of 235 for the period five years from, 2011 to 2015. For this purpose, first, Theoretical framework and background related to the issue of research was studied and all of the factors affecting credit risk were identified and the information related to factors affecting the credit risk were collected from bank records of customers who received the credit facility from Mellat Bank of Golestan province at Iran. The results of logistic regression analysis and the results of “DEMATEL” technique showed that among selected variables there is a significant relationship between credit risk of customers and liquidity ratios, Leverage ratios but, in other side there is an inverse relationship between credit risk of customers and Profitability ratios, Activity ratios and Qualitative variables.
Credit risk, debt ratio, Qualitative variables, Liquidity ratios, Leverage ratios.
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[8]-The Impact of Alternative Vertical Coordination Mechanisms for the Development of Small Scale Farmers. A Case Study of Bindura District.
Author’s Details:(1)Victoria Mudavanhu (2)Benjamin Musindo (3)Lloyd Chigusiwa (4)Lazarus Muchabaiwa (5)Samuel Bindu.Bindura University of Science Education, Zimbabwe.

The study sought to assess the impact of the alternative vertical coordination mechanisms for the development of small scale farmers. Zimbabwean government has put small scale farmers as an important key to fight against poverty, create more wealth through increasing productivity in the agricultural sector. The study used descriptive design, questionnaires were distributed to a sample of 50 small scale farmers. Data was analyzed using the multiple linear regression. The research found that the production of tomatoes under contract was associated with significantly higher incomes compared to those who sold on the spot markets or open marketing. Spot markets, while providing occasional high returns to farmers have in turn high price risks and risk of non-sale of products or loss of quality. Contract price were significantly higher than open market prices, but trading on the later involved extra transaction costs such as transport and accommodation. The main conclusion was that contract production and marketing was more profitable and effective than open marketing. The research recommended that government should facilitate the development of small scale horticulture sector through improving the road networks that link rural and urban areas. Access to capital should be improved, government should provide relevant information so that farmers can use timely information to make production and marketing decisions. Government to rehabilitate the national research institutions and link them with extension service, provide efficient markets and intellectual property rights protection through regulation and enforcement of contracts in the horticultural market to ensure sustainable development of small scale farmers.
Keywords: Vertical coordination, Small scale farmers, Open marketing, Contract markets, Zimbabwe
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[9]-Evolving a Business Excellence Model Based On Sustainable Human Capital Resources for Mauritius: A Qualitative Approach.
Author’s Details:(1)Domun Rishi, Open University of Mauritius, (2)Dr Balvir Talwar, General Manager, Corporate Operations Management, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, India

this paper is part of a doctoral research work conducted to identify a proper business excellence model for Mauritius. As it involves a deep probe into the human aspect of an enterprise a qualitative approach has been used to obtain insights of the model to be used. The stakeholders are people involved in the business excellence award competition. The study has yielded the business excellence model based on sustainable human capital resources, keeping in view the triple bottom line aspects of the enterprise namely economic, social and environmental as well as other major aspects of leadership strategy, operations, marketing, information management and results. Such original insights will be useful for academicians, enterprises and scholars of business excellence. All the criteria for a good qualitative work has been observed

Key words—Business Excellence, human resources, sustainability
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[10]-Impact of Layoff on Survivors Productivity: A New Peril Stigma and Workforce Diversity Implication.
Author’s Details:*(1)Ali Hasan-PhD Scholar, Superior University Lahore, Pakistan-(2)Shahan Mehmood Cheema-PhD Scholar, Superior University Lahore, Pakistan-(3)Dr. Muhammad Ilyas -Assistant professor Superior University, Lahore-(4)Usman Khadam Malik-PhD Scholar, Superior University Lahore, Pakistan-  (5)TalhaMujahid Butt -PhD Scholar, Superior University Lahore, Pakistan

The key objective of this research study is to examine the relationship between layoff with survivor’s ‘productivity, in particular situation as stigma peril (psychological form) is formed between workers, when layoff judgments are made on biasness. Earlier Research studies demonstrate to layoff has an unenthusiastic effect on survivor’s productivity; though, presently is no reasonable justification of effect of layoff judgments which are made on the base of discrimination on employees who are survivors’ productivity. Such biasness generate a psychological state identified peril stigma which is elaborated the same like sensitivity or threat in the psyche of persons. Consequently, the reason of this research to make known and give suitable justification of connection between threat peril stigma, which is formed as a result of unfairness in layoff judgments and survivor’s productivity. Methodology e research is quantitative and main strategy is survey. Questionnaire was disseminated to the staff of telecom industry. Data was analyzed using IBM SPSS 20. The results proposed that there is unenthusiastic association among layoff judgments formed due to any biasness and survivors for the reason that threat stigma peril generates unenthusiastic belongings. Danger Stigma peril may possibly be forbidden all the way through balanced layoff judgments. Future study possibly will be execute on the combined belongings of further kinds of Threats ,psychological stigmas in conditions of various other variables for instance further kinds of unfairness similar to caste, obesity ,age, race, mental sickness and sex, which are fundamental to the functioning of the survivors productivity.
Key words:  survivor productivity, Diversity implication, layoff, peril stigma
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[11]-The Factors Affecting Timeliness of Corporate Financial Reporting: Empirical Evidence from the Palestinian and Amman Stock Exchange.
Author’s Details:(1) Dr. Omar Al-Juaidi-Assistant Professor of Accounting University collage of application & science Palestine(2)Dr. Ahmed A. M. Al-Afifi-Assistant Professor of Accounting University of Palestine -Palestine

This study reports on the results of an empirical investigation of the factors affect timeliness of annual financial reporting. The sample of study include 180 corporation listed on the Palestinian and Amman Stock Exchange which achieve study’s conditions. Multi-regression test was used to examine the study hypotheses that consist of three groups; internal auditing committee factors, external auditor independence, and demographic factors. The study found that many of listed companies issue their financial report within legal time. However, Some Palestinian corporations don’t have auditing committees according to Palestinian Security Exchange instructions or they don’t comply to disclose information about auditing committee such as number of members, number of meeting, members experience and so on. And finally, there is a significant relationship between Co. age, audit report timeliness, sector type, auditor type and financial report timeliness. Whereas; Co. size, auditor rotation, and auditor report type don’t effect on financial report issuing timeliness.
financial reporting, auditing report, timeliness, stock exchange, Audit delay.
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[12]-Dearth of Entrepreneurship in Kotli Azad Jammu & Kashmir: The Role of Capital.
Author’s Details:(1)Miss Saba Maroof  – MS Scholar, Faculty of Administrative Sciences Kotli, (2)Dr. Iftikhar Hussain (corresponding author)-Assistant Profesor & Director Advanced Studies and Research, Faculty of Administrative Sciences Kotli, (3)Mr. Shahid Hussain-Assistant Professor, Treasurer & PhD Scholar, Faculty of Administrative Sciences Kotli, (4)Dr. Iftikhar Ahmed Butt-Assisatnt Professor & Incharge Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities Kotli, (5)Mr. Muhammad Shafique Kalmarvi-Lecturer and MS Scholar, Faculty of Administrative Sciences Kotli, (6)Mr. Iftikhar Ahmed-MS Scholar, Faculty of Administrative Sciences Kotli, (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)University of Management Sciences and Information Technology Kotli Azad Kashmir.

This study investigates the factor capital which leads towards the dearthof entrepreneurship.Micro and macro enterprises play an important role in the economy of any country, but in Kotli Azad Jammu & Kashmir these enterprises are rare.This research was conducted through a self adminsteredquestionnaire. The sample size for this study was 100 and these organizations were facing the problems of entrepreneurial dearth. Data collected through questionnaire was statistically analyzed,correlation was used to test the research hypothesis. This study provides valuable insightsthat, one of the main reason of dearth of entrepreneurship islack of capital. Many entrepreneurs faced lot of problem in accessing the finance through financial institutions.The significance of this research study lies in the fact that it fills an important gap in the literature, offering a deeper understanding of how the access to capital affects the entrepreneurship in Kotli AJ&K. Future researchers can conduct similar studies on other entrepreneurial sectors in Kotli AJ&K and findings of this research study can be incorporated in entrepreneurship policies and guidelines.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurs, Dearth of Entrepreneurship, Capital, Financial institutions
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[13]-The Role of Motivation in an Efficacious Team Building of Organization.
Author Details: Sobana Hameed Arshad-Student (Final semester); PhD (Organization and Management) Okan University, Istanbul, Turkey

the article expounds the relationship of two factors; Motivation (independent variable) and Team building (dependent variable) and there role for each other. It will prominence the call for having motivation components in building effectual team of organization. Motivation techniques (appraisal, praise, status, competition, delegation of authority, participation, job security and job enrichment, job relation, financial motivation, the role of leader motivation) along with components (biological, learned, cognitive) lead to the organization commitments (tension at work, variety of tasks, scope (domain) of work, previous realistic expectation, creativity in job context) which generate constituent (productivity, common goal, self-learning, cooperation, communication, enjoyable workplace, motivation, identify strength) for effective team building. The detection of the conceptual study will play a vital role in emphasizing on the two factors correlation and there colossal part in maintaining the impulsive working environment of organization.
Keywords; Motivation techniques, motivation components, Organization commitment elements, Team building components.
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[14]-Inventory Management through Lean Logistics and Warehousing Techniques.
Author Details: (1)Shahzad Nasim, (2)Syed Muhammad Maaz, (3)Faraz Ali, (4)Moin Ali Khan (1)PhD Scholar, Hamdard University, Karachi Pakistan (2)Graduate Research Assistant, IoBM Karachi Pakistan (3)visiting faculty, Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education, Karachi Pakistan 4Head of Supply Chain Department, IoBM Karachi Pakistan
Inventory is one of the eight deadly wastes in Lean. It is caused by overproduction (producing more than is immediately needed) but in turn it causes several other wastes. How does excess inventory manifest itself? I.e. Extra space, Extra people, waste conveyance, extra costs. Inventory management in lean is built around the same principles that govern most lean activity: create a simple set of tools that can be used directly in the workplace that will help surface problems so that they can be addressed. Inventory management is thus quite different in lean, starting with the view of inventory as a waste rather than an asset. From a practical point of view, what this means is that inventory reduction is built into the fabric of the system , just like it is for any other waste. Because of this, they are typically no special efforts or programs aimed at reducing excess inventory. Reducing inventory is a part of everyday work life.In this paper we will cover two important topics for the supply chain , warehousing and logistics. We will cover the traditional view of physical control of inventories, then the relationships between the warehouse and the organization and then we review traditional logistics activities. In second half of this research paper we will review distribution requirements planning, Lean warehousing and Lean logistics.
Keywords: Lean logistics, Inventory management, waste, distribution
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